Wednesday, April 18, 2012


back in bermuda now and all set up..pretty busy apartment-hunting etc but still have managed to trade a bit each day this took my normal setups, actually got stopped out on the first trade by 1 tick and going back I didn't have my stop in the right place (supposed to be 2 ticks below the entry bar) but the next trade worked out...third trade I was in, my internet cut off..when i finally got back online I was still in the trade and closed for a few ticks profit..I would have been stopped at breakeven had I been managing the trade as per normal so I marked it as a breakeven trade...decided to stop as couldn't risk any more net problems...+5 ticks and off to look at a few apartments I will be back in action again tomorrow..


  1. Welcome back! Good luck on the apartment search, my wife just found us one in Germany!

  2. cool man! hit u on skype tmr
